Energy Spot ⚡️

Diego Cortez / October 01, 2021

3 min read

So, while in charge of Solar-Power I started to dig deep into the manufacturing & energy sectors. Clean energy solutions, new market regulations, etc.

I took a Certificate Program on Energy & the Future of Market Regulations. It was interesting!

Chile has an interesting energy infrastructure and market dynamics around energy generation, transportation, and consumption. You can start an energy generation business (e.g., a solar farm) and sell at spot pricing on your energy substation in one part of the country and sell at spot pricing in another part of the country.

So, there are plain market dynamics of offer and demand that are the core of the energy market in Chile.

So, of course, I started mapping the energy infrastructure of Chile!

EnergySpot was born.

You could explore spot prices (buying and selling) between different parts of Chile and make some predictions and models around your energy generation and prices. It also had a solar curve to predict how much solar output you could sell and at which price!

I'm still interested in clean energy and solar markets.

I haven't updated the app in a couple of years, I think...

But you can still see the energy lines and infrastructure of Chile!

Among other things, you could:

  • Browse and review busbars by substations and play with a kind of income simulator based on real cmg for the hour, ppa, and generation profile (how energy injections are distributed during the day):

In the tab to simulate available bar revenue, there is the option to use solar and wind generation profiles. These profiles are those generated by lat and lng, with the data used by the solar explorer and the wind explorer.

  • Interact and click the substations directly on the map, along with comparing bar energy pricing from 2 different substations, and playing with a kind of injections simulator of busbar in substation 1, comparing to withdrawals on busbar in substation 2 (with option to add power losses total):
  • An "expert mode" of sorts, which adds a panel with the data layers, with the possibility of toggling data display, and creating filters based on this data. Along with the option to export visualization images:

TBA. Long story copy.